Hello 2019: My 7 Day Fasting Experience

After spending an amazing time home in Florida for the holidays, I decided to join my mom for a 7 day fast. I honestly haven’t fasted since I was a teen BUT I thought it’d be a great way to start 2019. The fast consisted of giving up sweets, meats and caffeine BUT I wanted to take it a step further so I added social media & alcohol too. Yes, me..the digital queen took a break from social media. I just KNEW this was going to be hard but in all actuality, it wasn’t bad at all. I thought I would have the desire to reactivate my accounts but I didn’t! It felt amazing to wake up and not check my Twitter feed or scroll through IG pictures, but actually start my day off with God by reading my daily devotion (LOVE this app). My workday was so much more productive, I got a lot done because my mind was clear of distractions. I also flew through Michelle Obama’s Becoming (SUCH a good read, a must buy!) Best of all, I felt so much closer to God, he really revealed a lot to me in just 7 days. Even though my fast has come to an end, I’m determined to incorporate some of these ways into my daily routine. As well as fasting more frequently throughout the year. Whats your favorite fast? How did it transform your life? Let me know in the comments section below. 🙂 

  • January 18, 2019

    Disconnecting is always rewarding, and discipline always gets us to our goals quicker

  • Aura Lynn
    February 15, 2019

    Clarity was what I received from the fast. I am pushing forward in God’s vision. My favorite fast is one the draws me closer to God. I am super proud of you ?

  • March 6, 2019

    Love this Jalisa! I’m fasting for Lent from everything you named 😀 I am excited to disconnect and hear more from God like you did!

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